
Graduate facilities

MFA Studio Claire Scherzinger

Our private MFA studios give you the freedom to create

MFA Studio David Peters

You'll be able to bring creative concepts to life in your own studio

MFA Studio David Peters

As an MFA, you'll have 24/7 access to your own studio space

MFA Studio Shawn Sheperd

Fill your MFA studio with whatever is specific to your practice

MFA Studio Levi Glass

Our MFA studios are in a separate wing from our regular classrooms, ensuring quiet and privacy

Looking for a program that offers 24/7 access to your own private studio in a purpose-built space? We've got you covered. 

With off-campus studio space an expensive premium most students can't afford — especially here in Victoria — we recognize the value and importance of providing our graduate students with their own private, secure studios.

You'll have seven-day-a-week, 24-hour access to your own dedicated studio in our grad student wing, separate from the undergrad and teaching studios.

These studios give you the freedom to create, undo, and remake in privacy, while knowing you also have the support of fellow grad students right next door. We also offer a communal kitchen space nearby to fuel your late-night sessions.

Other facilities

Want to construct a small building in our outdoor sculpture yard? Weld legs onto a camper? Pour concrete into custom moulds? Our ambitiously outfitted wood and metal shops allow you to create whatever you need with the assistance of our professional staff.

We offer a range of small, medium and large gallery spaces for presenting works, as well as a dedicated technical and communications staff to help build and promote your work on campus and in the city.

If you need inspiration, our departmental reading room offers a quiet, in-house library of books and journals dedicated to visual arts practice.

And, of course, we have from a top-level instution focused on research, teaching, and creative practice: photograpy studio and dark rooms, extensive computing facilities targeted specifically to media generation and manipulation, and a robust equipment cage with access to digital cameras, lighting equipment, audio recording equipment and more.