
Dave Dunnet

Dave Dunnet
Matt Fichter is inspired by Dave Dunnet

A love of music education 

After decades of inspiring young musicians in the classroom, retired UVic instructor and local music legend Dave Dunnet is cultivating a passion for music education through a new scholarship.

The Dave Ian Dunnet Music Education Scholarship was established in 2017 to support undergraduate students entering their third or fourth year at UVic, who show excellence and passion for teaching music.

“While doing my undergrad, I was lucky enough to receive several scholarships,” Dave explains. “I am happy to do the same for others now."

Dave's Legacy

Dave’s music career took off when he was named Bandmaster of the Victoria Boys' Band, at the age of 15. He went on to teach music at Oak Bay High school for 28 years, while also sharing his passion with UVic students for decades as an Adjunct Lecturer, Teacher in Residence and Senior Instructor. Upon his retirement from UVic, he was honoured with the title of Emeritus.

Matt Fichter, the first recipient of Dave’s scholarship, recalls meeting Dave for the first time as something completely unexpected, "He came and saw me after one of our wind symphony concerts just to congratulate me.” It was the beginnings of another musical relationship. 

“Having a mentor like Dave,” Matt says, “reassures me that I’m on the right career path. He is always there to give support and advice.”

“Music teaches students an array of life skills,” Dave says, “I hope this scholarship will ensure future music educators, like Matt, will positively impact the lives of students in our community for years to come.”