
Klisala Harrison

Klisala Harrison
Associate Professor of Music Anthropology
Aarhus University, Denmark

BMus (1997)

Klisala Harrison (BMus ’97) has held positions at Columbia University, the University of British Columbia and the University of Helsinki, and is now Associate Professor of Music Anthropology at Aarhus University in Denmark. Klisala is a scholar of music in crises, for example, of health, climate change, poverty and human rights. She has published numerous articles and five monographs in North America, Europe, and Asia. Klisala is the recipient of numerous grants and prizes, including the International Association for the Study of Popular Music-Canada Book Prize for Music Downtown Eastside: Human Rights and Capability Development through Music in Urban Poverty (Oxford University Press, 2020). For her most recent accomplishments, visit her .

Subsequent education: MA, PhD in Ethnomusicology/Musicology (York University); Title of Docent (Habilitation; University of Helsinki)