
Jean-Paul Restoule

Jean-Paul Restoule
Professor and Chair
Indigenous Education
Area of expertise

Indigenous education, Indigenous worldviews, online learning, Indigenous research, teacher education, Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous pedagogy, Indigenous student success

Jean-Paul Restoule is an Anishinaabe scholar and educator. He is concerned with bringing Indigenous worldviews to a wide audience and infusing Indigenous perspectives into mainstream practice.

He is currently leading a study on how to centre Indigenous pedagogy and ways of knowing and being in online learning environments.

Jean-Paul is also investigating what motivates educators to incorporate Indigenous perspectives in their teaching practice and how teacher candidates and new teachers can best develop the knowledges, confidence and motivation to meaningfully include Indigenous knoledges and pedagogies in their classrooms.  

  • Indigenous Education
  • Indigenous Worldviews
  • Online Learning
  • Indigenous Research
  • Teacher Education
  • Indigenous Knowledge
  • Indigenous Pedagogy
  • Indigenous Student Success

Dr. Jean-Paul Restoule's publications can also be found by searching on the website.

Bascunan, D., Carroll, S, Restoule, J.P. & Sinke, M. (2021). Teaching as trespass: Avoiding places of innocence. Equity and Excellence in Education.

Tessaro, D., Landertinger, L., & Restoule, J.P. (2021). Strategies for Teacher Education Programs to Support Indigenous Teacher Employment and Retention in Schools. Canadian Journal of Education, xx: x, pp. xx-xx.

Landertinger, L., Tessaro, D, & Restoule, J.P. (2021). We have to get more teachers to help our kids”: Recruitment and retention strategies for teacher education programs to increase the number of Indigenous teachers in Canada and abroad. Journal of Global Education and Research, 5: 1, pp. 36-53.  .

Carroll, S., Bascuñán, D., Sinke, M., & Jean-Paul Restoule. (2020). How discomfort reproduces settler structures: Moving beyond fear and becoming imperfect accomplices. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 9 (2): 9-19. Doi: 10.5430/jctv9n2p9.

Sarah Flicker, Ciann Wilson, Native Youth Sexual Health Network, Renee Monchalin, Jean-Paul Restoule, Claudia Mitchell, June Larkin, Tracey Prentice, Randy Jackson, Vanessa Oliver. (2019). The impact of Indigenous youth sharing digital stories about HIV activism. Health Promotion Practice, 21:5, 802-810.

Tessaro, D., Restoule, J.P., Gaviria, P., Flessa, J., Lindeman, C., & Scully-Stewart, C. (2018). The five R’s for Indigenizing Online Learning: A case study of the First Nations Schools’ Principals Course. Canadian Journal of Native Education, 40: 1, pp. 125-143.

 Nardozi, A., & Restoule, J.P. Exploring Teacher Candidate Resistance to Indigenous content in a Teacher Education Program. (2019). In Zinga, D., Styres, S., Jahnke, H., & Lilley, S. (Eds.) Indigenous Education: New Directions in Theory and Practice. Chapter 14, pp. 311-337. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press.

Restoule, J.P. (2018). Where Indigenous knowledge lives: Bringing Indigenous perspectives to online learning environments. In McKinley, E & Smith, L. (eds.) Handbook of Indigenous Education pp. 1295-1317. Singapore: Springer Media. doi:

Madjidi, K, & Restoule, J.P. (2017). Comparative Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Learning. In Bickmore, K., Hayhoe, R., Manion, C., Mundy, K., and Read R. (Eds.) Comparative and international education: Issues for teachers, 2nd Edition. Chapter 6, pp. 155-182. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.

Brugha, M. & Restoule, J.P. (2016). Examining the learning networks of a MOOC. In ElAtia, S., Ipperciel, O., & D. Zaïane. (Eds.), Data Mining and Learning Analytics: Applications in Education Research. (1st Ed.). Chapter 8, pp. 121-138. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons Press.