
Chair's welcome

Welcome to the web site of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the 番茄社区 located in , Canada.

Mechanical Engineering was one of the core disciplines when the practice of engineering was established. Today, Mechanical Engineering remains a vibrant discipline in the exploration of new knowledge and leading edge technologies. These are either carried out through the design of innovative automotive, aeronautics and aerospace structures, intelligent robotic systems, ground-breaking biomedical devices, or conducted through the search of new tools and processes for producing advanced materials, novel nano-devices, intelligent design software, and clean energy. 

The Department of Mechanical Engineering, one of the three departments of the at , is known for the diversity, innovation and strength of its undergraduate, graduate and research programs. 

The BEng program provides a solid engineering background in the first three years, and a variety of options through technical electives in the fourth year.  The technical electives allow specialization within areas of Advanced Manufacturing, Advanced Materials, Control and Robotics, Computer Aided Engineering and Engineering Design, Integrated Energy Systems and Thermodynamics, Thermo-Fluids and Aerodynamics, etc. Our co-operative education combines practical work experience with academic studies. A Management Option allows students to learn fundamental principles in business while completing their MENG program. A new Mechatronics Option and Specialization, further improves the diversity and the quality of our program. A Mechanical Systems Minor is offered to students outside of Mechanical Engineering program.

Known for its energetic and forward looking atmosphere, the department has recruited outstanding faculty who conduct a broad scope of research on leading edge technologies. This forms the foundation of an outstanding and vibrant graduate program (MEng, MASc & PhD). Several of our faculty have received various distinguished awards and held the Canada Research Chairs. The department is actively collaborating with sibling departments and faculties, government agencies, and industries.  Our research funding is diverse, ranging from government (NSERC, BC Science Council, etc.) to contract research from industry. The department is part of three National Network of Centers of Excellence. A number of research programs include active participation from industry. Many members of the department are affiliates and founders of the , a leader in hydrogen fuel cell and energy systems research.

The innovative curriculum, first-rate laboratories and leading research enable the department to provide high-quality training to prospect professional engineers and future leaders for industry, academia, government, and society. Many of our graduates started their successful career at . The first class students, attracted to the department by the vibrant undergraduate, graduate and research programs, are the key to our success.

Through this and other connected web sites, you will learn more about our department, our university and our city. You will find Victoria is a wonderful place to study, to do research, to work and to live.

Best Regards,

Brad Buckham, Professor and Chair
