
Computer music option application form

Please complete each of the sections below.

Personal information

Admission status at UVic

Admitted or registered as UVic student
Applied for admission or re-registration (you may apply here)

Note that you must apply and be admitted as a UVic student before you can be admitted to these programs.

Musical background

List years of instruction for each instrument/voice

Instrument Private study Class study

State your knowledge

Education history and credentials in music

List previous university/college/conservatory training: (If none, leave blank)

Name of institution Dates of study Credential achieved

Education history and credentials in math and computer science

List previous high school/university/college training including specific math/computer science courses taken with mark obtained. Also list any previous degrees or other credentials achieved: (If none, leave blank)

Name of institution Dates of study Course taken with mark, or credential achieved

Further information or comments can be entered below

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Upon submitting this form, an email will be sent to Peter Driessen and the Academic Advisor with your application. You will be cc'd at your email address. This information is not stored by this system in any way.