
Industrial connections

Why hire a Biomedical Engineer?

  • An integration of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering programs with human anatomy and software development training
  • Students from BME are able to work on Electrical and Mechanical Engineering projects due to a heavy cross training from both sides
  • Cross training allows the BME students to avoid some of the pitfalls of professional tunnel vision by not having such a strict focus on either main discipline.

Unique skills 

  • 3-D design software SolidWorks
  • Circuit simulation programs QUCS (Quite Universal Circuti Simulation), L-Spice and Microcap
  • Statistical analysis software programs Matlab and R
  • Control languages Arduino, C-basic, C++ and Galil
  • Experience with electrical and mechanical engineering as it applies to medical devices
  • Quantitative understanding of anatomy and physiology

How can my company interact with BME students?

  • Work with BME students on a fourth year final project
    • A team of 4th year BME students can provide a fresh look at a problem and create unique solutions
    • A minor project could be developed without redirecting resources from existing projects
  • Hire a BME student for a 4, 8, or 12 month coop