
Long Service Recognition

Long Service

The Long Service Recognition Reception is hosted annually by the president to honour UVic employees who have completed 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 years of service.

Established in 1988 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the university, the event initially only recognized employees who completed 25 years of service. In 1999 it was expanded to honour long service beyond 25 years.

Let's celebrate our 2022 Long Service Colleagues!

This year we recognize and thank 130 colleagues who have dedicated a cumulative of 3895 years of service to the university. Take a moment to see who is celebrating 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45

Reach out to colleagues to share well wishes and/or post a message for them on the

Our Long Service Colleagues

Note: Faculty and staff who opted out on online and print recognition are not listed below.

25 Years of Service

  • Amy Verdun  - Political Science
  • Anita Bonkowski  - Music
  • Arif Babul  - Physics & Astronomy
  • Asit Mazumder  - Biology
  • Bradley Hetherington - Systems
  • Colleen Eccleston - Music
  • Dave Chiddle  - Facilities Management
  • David Robinson Rempel - Physics & Astronomy
  • David Scoones  - Economics
  • Eric Henderson  - English
  • Garry Sagert  - Systems
  • Gayle Ployer  - Social Work
  • Gerald Currie  - Systems
  • Gregory Beaulieu  - Biology
  • Gregory Churchill  - Alumni & Development
  • Helen Lansdowne   - Centre for Asia Pacific Initiatives
  • Ian Robertson  - Business
  • Ian Yates  - Facilities Management
  • Jason Corless  - Computer Science
  • Jing Huang  - Mathematics & Statistics
  • Karima Ramji - Co-operative Education
  • Krista Thompson  - Vikes Athletics & Recreational Services
  • Lara Wilson  - Archives
  • Laura Vizina  - Continuing Studies
  • Louise Peters  - Undergraduate ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø
  • Lucinda Brown - Educational Psychology & Leadership Studies
  • Margaret-Anne Storey - Computer Science
  • Marisa Fairley - Residence Services
  • Matthew Pollard  - Germanic & Slavic Studies
  • Mehmoona Moosa-Mitha  - Social Work
  • Michael Puszka - Facilities Management
  • Mina Moufidi  - Facilities Management
  • Nilanjana Roy  - Economics
  • Robert Kowalewski  - Physics & Astronomy
  • Romy Weatherston  - Human Resources
  • Sonya Lommerse  - Food Services
  • Stephen Horak  - Biochemistry & Microbiology
  • Susan Corner  - Academic Advising Centre
  • Susan Dempsey  - Counselling Services
  • Theresa Bourque  - Financial Services
  • Thom Tran  - Facilities Management
  • Todd Milford  - Curriculum & Instruction
  • Wendy Taylor  - Office of the Registrar

30 Years of Service

  • A.R. Elangovan - International
  • Andrew Weaver - Earth & Ocean Sciences
  • Arthur Rowe - Music
  • Ben Koop - Biology
  • Birgit Geditz - Systems
  • Bruce Kapron - Computer Science
  • Cameron Culham  - Continuing Studies
  • Carol Unfreed - Libraries
  • Caroline Riedel - Legacy Art Galleries
  • Catherine Harding - Art History & Visual Studies
  • Christopher Butterfield - Music
  • Cornelia Bohne - Chemistry
  • Craig Payne - Facilities Management
  • David Hutchinson - Co-operative Education
  • David Pretty - Libraries
  • Deborah Almisurati - Libraries
  • Donald Mellings- Continuing Studies
  • Edward Godwin- Libraries
  • Elizabeth Wicks - Food Services
  • Ewa Czaykowska-Higgins  - Indigenous Education
  • Gary MacGillivray - Mathematics & Statistics
  • Heather Bouchard - Food Services
  • Heather Simms - Alumni & Development
  • Helen Raptis - Curriculum & Instruction
  • Iona Hubner - Art History & Visual Studies
  • Jacqueline Evans - Budget & Capital Planning
  • Jane van Sickle - Curriculum & Instruction
  • Jane Ye - Mathematics & Statistics
  • Laurel Bowman - Greek and Roman Studies
  • Laurene Shields - Nursing
  • Leona Locke - Undergraduate ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø
  • Lisa Surridge - English
  • Lynne Marks - History
  • Mary Lesperance - Mathematics & Statistics
  • Peter Golz - Germanic & Slavic Studies
  • Raymond Kemp - Facilities Management
  • Rodney Katz- Mechanical Engineering
  • Sandra Gibbons - Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education
  • Sanghoon Nam - Business
  • Shannon Hayward - Systems
  • Shirley Omelchuk - Pensions
  • Stephen Tax - Business
  • Stewart Arniel- Humanities Computing & Media Centre
  • Timothy Smith - Systems
  • Tobi Carlson - Bookstore
  • Valerie King - Computer Science
  • Wanda Boyer- Educational Psychology & Leadership Studies
  • William Linwood - Music

35 Years of Service

  • Belle Young - Public Administration
  • Blair McKinnon - Food Services
  • Catherine Gaul - Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education
  • Christopher Smith - Libraries
  • Colin Bradley - Mechanical Engineering
  • David Harrington - Chemistry
  • Dennine Dudley - Art History & Visual Studies
  • Douglas McKenzie- Physics & Astronomy
  • Gerry Luton - Continuing Studies
  • Hua Lin - Linguistics
  • Kin Li - Electrical Engineering
  • Lynne Beecroft - Vikes Athletics & Recreational Services
  • Lynneth Stuart-Hill - Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education
  • Malcolm Kerr - Food Services
  • Marcia Hills - Nursing
  • Mark Gillen - Law
  • Michael Prince- Human & Social Development
  • Nancy Duncan - Vikes Athletics & Recreational Services
  • Patrick Chang - Mechanical Engineering
  • Rhordon Wikkramatileke - Continuing Studies
  • Robert Newell - Systems
  • Rosa Castro - Facilities Management
  • Rosa Stewart - Hispanic & Italian Studies
  • Rosmarie Marykuca - Food Services
  • Susan Fiddler - Co-operative Education
  • Tricia Beckensell - Libraries
  • Tricia Charlton - Graduate ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø & Records
  • Veronica Staub - Food Services
  • Wu-Sheng Lu - Electrical Engineering

40 + 45 Years of Service

40 Years of Service

  • Brian Gauthier - Facilities Management
  • Monica Reimer - Chemistry
  • Shari Winter - President's Office

45 Years

  • David Berry - Chemistry
  • Elaine Cumming - Mathematics & Statistics

Leave a message on the kudos board


A look back

25 years ago in 1997

  • UVic has just over 13700 FTE students.
  • UVic women’s field hockey team wins their 8th national title.
  • Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone is published.
  • Princess Diana is killed in a car crash on August 31.
  • Titanic premieres and is the largest grossing film worldwide at $1,843,478,449. The quote of the year: “I’m on top of the world.

30 years ago in 1992

  • Whitney Houston sets a then-record with "I Will Always Love You" staying at no. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 for 14 weeks.
  • Big movies of the year include: Aladdin, A Few Good Men, A League of Their Own and Wayne’s World. 
  • The Toronto Blue Jays become the first Canadian team to win the World Series.
  • Dr. Roberta Bondar becomes the first Canadian woman in space.
  • President George H. W. Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin jointly announce that the Cold War had ended.

35 years ago in 1987

  • UVic's women's field hockey, basketball and cross country teams all win national banners.
  • The stock market crashes.
  • The first “The Simpsons” cartoon short is airs on The Tracey Ullman Show.
  • Notable movies include: Three Men and a Baby, Dirty Dancing, Moonstruck, and The Princess Bride.
  • Acid wash jeans and headbands are all the rage.

40 years ago in 1982

  • UVic officially opens the new Phoenix Theatre.
  • High inflation, combatted with high interest rates leads to a huge drop in home prices.
  • Notable movies include: ET, An Officer and a Gentleman, On Golden Pond, and Tootsie.
  • CD players, Diet Coke and the Commodore 64 hit the market.
  • Cats, the musical, debuts on Broadway.

45 years ago in 1977

  • UVic officially forms the new Faculty of Human and Social Development by bringing together the Schools of Nursing, Social Work and Child Care.
  • Notable movies include: Smokey and the Bandit, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Rocky, King Kong, and Saturday Night Fever.
  • Elvis Presley dies at the age of 42.
  • Pop music is all gold with songs: Hotel California, We are the Champions, Rumors, Paradise by the Dashboard Light, Stay, The Stranger, Saturday Night Fever.
  • 1 and 2 bedroom apartments in a brand new building with ocean and city views rent for under $195 and $260/month.