
Relocation assistance

UVic may provide financial support to assist eligible new faculty, librarians, researchers and senior staff to relocate to Victoria.  This funding is intended to assist with the applicant’s move and not necessarily to cover all expenses that might be incurred.  Eligibility of expenses are based on UVic policy and CRA guidelines.  It is recommended that specific details are reviewed with the department before arrangements are made to ensure that they are eligible. Contact with questions.

Refer to the policy for specific guidelines and other information on:

  • Repayment if leaving UVic
  • Travel assistance for appointment of less than two years
  • Home loan support

Options for payment of relocation expenses:

Relocation assistance can be provided either by:

    • Lump sum - *recommended option
      • For eligible new faculty members or librarians relocating from within Canada only
    • Expense reimbursement supported by receipts
      • For eligible new faculty members or librarians
      • For senior excluded appointments 

Difference between lump sum and expense reimbursement:

A lump sum relocation allowance can be provided only to the eligible group, as above.  A T4A is issued for the amount of the allowance to be included as a part of the applicant’s income tax submission.  The amount is offset by eligible moving expenses.  Any remaining amount will be considered as taxable income by CRA.  Receipts and other supporting documentation are not submitted to UVic and kept by the applicant to support their income tax filing.

For all applicants other than the specific group above, relocation assistance is claimed through the reimbursement of expenses.  In this case, the applicant pays directly for all expenses and then, using the relocation assistance form, claims reimbursement for eligible items.  This method is not included on the applicant’s income taxes and cannot be claimed to reduce taxable income.

House hunting expenses:

With approval from departmental authorities, UVic may reimburse for expenses related to house hunting trips to Victoria.  Eligible expenses include travel-related amounts for the applicant and their partner for up to seven days.  Refer to the Relocation Assistance procedures and the Travel and Business Expense policy for further guidelines.

Eligible expenses:

UVic policy includes a list of examples of eligible expenses.  This list is based on CRA guidelines.  Unless the item is specifically outlined on the list of , it will be considered as taxable by CRA. 

Relocation assistance eligibility can be complicated or dependent on specific circumstances.  If expense item is not specifically noted in either the CRA guidelines or UVic policy, contact the departmental administrative staff to review and confirm prior to making arrangements.

Shipping and moving costs:

An accountable advance can be issued to the applicant to facilitate the costs associated with shipping.  It is recommended that the advance amount is supported by at least two shipping quotes.

Additional resources and information on planning for shipping and moving costs can be found on the Purchasing Services webpage.


Resources and links: