
Payments to students

Students may be paid or reimbursed by UVic for a variety of reasons.  If a student is being reimbursed for expenses paid while conducting UVic business, refer to the information on the reimbursement webpage.  Faculties and departments are encouraged to limit the total amount that students are asked to outlay on behalf of UVic business.

Payment type:

UVic frequently makes payments to students that can be categorized in a number of ways and it is important that the correct determination is made as to the type of payment so that tax, governmental remittances and other aspects are considered correctly.  For more information on employment income or students awards, refer to the Payments to students – employment or student award information.

Student awards:

Student award payments are made through Accounts Payable and are usually for scholarships, bursaries, prizes or fellowships. 

  • For monthly scheduled scholarships, also referred to as grad support, complete the scholarships – monthly scheduled payments form and submit to Accounts Payable using the NEW  by the 7th working day of each month for payment on the 18th
  • For non-recurring or unscheduled scholarships, bursaries, prizes or fellowships, requests can be submitted using the expense management system (see instructions for new payee set-up) or by completing the  (NEW online format) form. 
  • All student awards are paid without deductions for income tax, CPP or EI and are reported on a T4A slip in the Scholarships, fellowships and bursaries box. 


*NEW online format for these forms

  • Scholarships – Monthly Scheduled Payments – to request the payment of scheduled scholarship or grad support payments to students – used for monthly payments – will encumber or commit funds to the designated FAST account. .
  • – can be used to request one-off, unscheduled or emergency payments to students for scholarships, bursaries, prizes or fellowships
