
Payments to external vendors

UVic requires the purchase of a large quantity and variety of materials, supplies, equipment and services in order to efficiently operate.  The arrangements and agreements to purchase goods and services are coordinated through Purchasing Services and governed by UVic’s Purchasing policy.

Invoices approved for payment can be sent to Financial Services in one of two ways:

1. An invoice is received by the department
  • The department completes the (NEW online form - this creates a ticket)
    • Complete the fields available on the online form including:
      • vendor name
      • invoice number
      • PO number, AGR number, WR number; and / or
      • FAST account
    • The submitter will attest to the receipt of goods and services
    • FAST account approvals will either be attached, confirmed by the submitter, or routed electronically within the ticket
  • Accounts Payable will enter the invoice for payment on the next available cheque run
2. An invoice is received directly in Accounts Payable
  • Invoices received from vendors directly in Accounts Payable will be forwarded by email to the departmental contact. They will submit the invoice using the  as in option 1 above


  • (NEW online form)


  • GST – PST information – links to additional information on when to collect or pay GST and PST, FAST codes, and the net impact of GST and PST