
Keith Holmes

Keith Holmes
Spatial Scientist
Hakai Beach Institute

Geography - BSc (2007), MSc (2013)

Keith works at the Hakai Beach Institute in partnership with the Spatial Pattern Analysis and Research (SPAR) Lab at UVic. He works at the Hakai Research Station on Calvert Island (on the Central Coast of BC) with an enthusiastic crew of scientists and partners from other universities. His work involves a number of projects from sea otter monitoring, kelp forest mapping, bathymetry and oceanography models, and forest productivity mapping.

Prior to completing his MSc, Keith worked on a CIDA project mapping and monitoring the health of Iraqi marshes. At the end of the project, Keith created an "Atlas of the Iraqi Marshes."

The greatest benefit I had from my degree was the vast community of researchers I now have to collaborate with. The relationships I have made not only provided me with a more intimate and broad understanding of topics, but also gave me the connections I needed to be hired. If you are passionate and have skills then let people know by either volunteering or participate on a project that interests you. Eventually when the right job comes up the connections and experiences you have made will go a long way to ensure you get hired. To get the most desirable jobs it is all about who you know, so get known.