
Gwendal Castellan

Gwendal Castellan
Manager, Sustainable Destination Development
Destination Vancouver

Geography - BSc (1999)

Gwendal works towards social, environmental, and economic sustainability in the Vancouver tourism industry. He acts as the primary point of contact for Tourism Vancouver members and stakeholders for all initiatives that relate to sustainability, from corporate volunteering opportunities to the promotion of goods made by social enterprises. He also provides demand-side management expertise and leadership in coordinating and driving best practices within the sector. Gwendal produced and filmed the documentary "" about his 19-month-long bike trip halfway across the world. Gwendal found two approaches to be helpful after he graduated – the first was to work overseas, which gave him a broader perspective and helped him create a new network. The second was to join associations and attend local professional and advocacy events, which enabled him to discover opportunities and build a better understanding of the work he was interested in pursuing.

I’ve learned that what sustains me the most in my career is curiosity. Whether it has been to understand the energy flows in buildings or the impacts of future developments on our city, it is that curiosity that leads to finding gaps in systems or organizations.

Subsequent education: BCIT (2012), THNK (2016)