
Leanne Halligey, RD

Leanne Halligey, RD
Campus Dietitian & Coordinator, Nutrition Programming & Services
University Food Services
Office: Carroll Residence 111

Registered Dietitian

Leanne’s avid interest in health and nutrition was launched at a young age as a result of competing in track and field at the Provincial and National level. Recognizing the integral role nutrition plays in performance sparked her interest in becoming a Registered Dietitian. Leanne graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition from St. Francis Xavier University, and started her career in Victoria in 2003.

Over the past 15 years, Leanne has worked in a variety of areas including healthcare, sales, and private practice, where she has developed expertise in the prevention and treatment of chronic disease(s), weight management & sports nutrition.

Over the past 6 years in her role as Coordinator of Nutrition programming and Services at UVic, she is responsible for developing and managing the online nutrition information for all menu items, in addition to providing individual counselling and facilitating a variety of other campus wide health promotion initiatives.

Leanne is passionate about sharing her nutrition and health knowledge to empower individuals to make the most wholesome food choices to nourish their bodies and minds.  She takes a fresh approach to translating the most current nutrition and health information, and integrating it into practical lifelong behaviors.

Leanne enjoys experiencing other cultures and cuisine through travel.  As a new mom of two, she loves spending time with her family in the outdoors hiking, camping, and biking.