
Current undergraduates

Frontline advising

Academic Advising Centre (AAC) frontline advisers are a great place for any student to start when they have a question. Frontline advisers have a great understanding of UVic and can point students in the right direction. Check with frontline advising if you have questions about attaining credit from another institution, academic concessions, academic probation and other UVic academic-related questions.

Frontline advising is available Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8:30am to 4:00pm and Tuesday and Friday from 8:30am to 12:00pm. Frontline Advisers may refer a student to an AAC adviser or Academic Unit Adviser (AUA) if more in-depth assistance is required. 

Academic Advising Centre advisers

A limited number of same-day appointments are available with Academic Advising Centre advisers:


 Monday to Friday

Same-day, sign-up appointments

Appointment with adviser is approximately 30 minutes

Room A203, Academic Advising Appointment, University Centre Building

Note: Appointments are booked on a first come first serve basis. We recommend that you arrive as close to 8:30am as appointments book up fast. If you are unable to accommodate our scheduled appointments above, please contact our main advising office to learn more about how we can support you.

Declaring your program

Program declaration requests can be submitted through your once you have completed at least 12.0 units of coursework. Submitting a declaration lets UVic know of your intention to complete a specific academic program and will help you track your program progress through a personalized CAPP (Curriculum, Advising and Program Planning) report that will be prepared for you. Note that Honours programs and some minors require specific departmental approval; when in doubt you can check the calendar entry for the program you're considering.

Program changes

Once you're declared you're always able to change your program - you're able to submit one program change request per academic term, also through your . If you have extenuating circumstances that require a further program change, we ask that you visit the Academic Advising Centre and one of our staff will be able to assist you.

Not able to submit the form online?

For students with limited access to the internet, the  and program change form are available for download or students can drop by the Academic Advising Centre to pick-up a form in person.

CAPPY Hour advising for declared students

Have you declared your program and want to know if you are on track to completing your UVic degree? Your CAPP report summarizes this information and displays the degree requirements that you have completed, as well as those that are yet to be completed. Whether you need help interpreting your report or need an approved adjustment applied to your program requirements, advisers are available to assist you through CAPPY Hour in the Learning Commons.

CAPPY Hour appointments
  • Appointments available: Tuesday - Friday
  • Times: 9:30am - 12:30pm
  • Location: Academic Advising Centre, University Centre Building (appointments are approximately 20 minutes)
  • Booking an appointment: Students can sign up for a same-day CAPPY Hour appointment at the Advising Centre (UVC A203).

UVic students going on an international exchange

If you’re interested in an exchange but haven’t yet applied, review the outgoing exchange students page for more information on the program.

Course transfer and credit at UVic

UVic students participating in an international exchange will need to be mindful of the courses they complete while abroad. Most, but perhaps not all, of the credit you earn on exchange will transfer back to UVic – and differences in host institutions, course content or hours of instruction can result in level credit or partial credit being assigned.

Tips for choosing courses

When choosing courses at your host institution, keep the following in mind:

  1. It is often more difficult to get exchange credit for specific third or fourth year courses. Choosing elective courses will offer you the greatest flexibility, more selection, and greater chance of receiving UVic exchange credit.
  2. Timetable conflicts, course cancellations, faculty illnesses and many other unpredictable or uncontrollable circumstances at our host institutions make it impossible to predict with certainty which courses will be offered and the transfer credit that will eventually be awarded.
  3. Be prepared to be flexible with your course selection because you will be working with a different university system, and the courses you intend to take may not be offered or classes may be full.
  4. If a course is similar to one for which you have already received credit at UVic, credit will not be issued again. The course would be recognized as a duplicate.
  5. Review the transfer credit histories to see how courses at many of our partner institutions have transferred back in the past. If a school you are considering does not have a listed history, the International Student Services office may be able to provide further advice.
  6. Meet with an academic adviser to discuss the remaining requirements for your degree program and how an exchange can fit within you plans.

Receiving credit for your exchange courses

The actual credit you receive for your courses while overseas will be determined after you return from exchange.  You will need to submit your transcript - remember to also bring back your course outlines, assignments and notes as they may be requested for evaluation.  Undergraduate Records and academic unit advisers will assess and award exchange credit.

What information will I need for each course?

While on exchange, you will need to collect the following information for each course:

  • Detailed course description in English or French
  • Contact hours for each course (e.g. total number of hours in class, tutorials and labs)
  • Course syllabus/description
  • Reading lists, essay topics, test questions and project assignments

TIP: It is your responsibility to collect the above information before you leave the host institution. It is much more difficult to obtain course material from your overseas professors once you have returned to UVic.

Do I need to submit transcripts?

Yes. Once you finish your courses, arrange for your Official Transcript in English or French to be sent to International Student Services. Payment will not be required. Partner institutions are aware of their need for the submission of a transcript to UVic, but not all have an automatic process.

If you would like a transcript to be sent after the first term a special request may be required and if you need a transcript for your own records or to send to another institution (e.g. graduate school), an additional fee may be required.

I'm back in Victoria and forgot to submit course material. Now what?

If you have not submitted any course material to initiate recognition of your exchange credit prior to departure or while you were away, then you will need to start the process when you return. Contact your Records Clerk for further instruction.

Once you receive a request for information from Undergraduate Records you have 30 days to submit your course material. If Records receives the information after that time, your evaluation process will be delayed and may affect the assignment of credit to your records.

Once the assessment for all the courses has been completed, the results will be posted on your UVic transcript and you will be notified. This may be a lengthy process. This delay sometimes causes difficulties with course selection for the next term so it is advisable that you start the process as soon as possible.

Credit will be transferred to your UVic record, but the grades will not. Your grades will be recorded as COM (for Completed), or F (for Fail). This means your exchange does not affect your grade point average unless you receive a failing grade(s). Your at UVic will be affected if your GPA while on exchange is less than 2.0 on .

Who to contact for more information

Contact your To
Academic adviser

Review your academic standing and degree requirements and review the courses you need for your program.

Academic unit adviser

Receive assistance in choosing between course options within a program and selecting courses at your host university.

Exchange adviser

Inquire about the exchange program and for assistance once you have been selected.

Records clerk

Request preliminary evaluations for the courses you plan to take (choose "Exchange" under "Type of inquiry").

Study abroad adviser
(at host institution)

Clarify specific course and registration details for the institution you will be attending.

Exchange credit history for UVic partner institutions

The following is a summary of UVic credit received for specific courses from exchange partner institutions in the past. Note that this is a guide only; it is not a complete list of all courses that would be eligible for credit, nor a guarantee that your courses would be evaluated in the same way. If you do not see your exchange institution listed here, get in touch with the International Student Services office. These lists are updated for August and January of each year.

Country Institution
New Zealand
  • University of Bergen (under review)
United Kingdom
United States

Preparing to graduate

You are not automatically considered for graduation, but must submit an application to Record Services. Once you have declared your program and are ready to graduate, you can review the eligibility criteria and then apply to graduate online through My page. Please note the following application deadlines:

  • Spring graduation – December 15 (complete requirements by April 30)
  • Fall graduation – apply by July 15 (complete requirements by August 31)

Questions? Contact Undergraduate Records at  or 250-721-8121.

Wondering about the convocation ceremony? See the .