
Bryson Robertson

Bryson Robertson
Project Manager - Senior Engineer
West Coast Wave Initiative
Area of expertise

Wave energy assessments, remote ocean measurement systems, breaking ocean waves and oceanic pollution

Bryson served as the Senior Research Engineer with the West Coast Wave Initiative (WCWI), investigating the wave energy resource off the West Coast of Canada, simulation of Wave Energy Converters and integration with the BC electrical grid. Bryson completed the 番茄社区's Mechanical Engineering Program in 2003, graduating with Distinction. After graduation, Bryson worked in the renewable energy and alternative energy private sector, before leaving and starting The OceanGybe Expedition. 

The OceanGybe Expedition circumnavigated the world, sailing some 70,000km, looking for new cultures, undiscovered surfing breaks and garbage. OceanGybe studied oceanic plastic pollution in our oceans and on our beaches, brought global media attention to the deleterious effects it has on our planet and presented a message of conservation to over 15 000 students in 20 different countries.

Concurrently with the OceanGybe Expedition, Bryson enrolled at Queens University and the University of Guelph to complete a PhD in Coastal Engineering, with a focus on shallow water breaking waves and remote wave measurement techniques.

When not at UVic, he spends his time outdoors - in the mountains, on the beaches and in it's rivers.

Research interests

Wave energy assessments, remote ocean measurement systems, breaking ocean waves and oceanic pollution