
Dr. Curran Crawford

Dr. Curran Crawford
West Coast Wave Initiative
Office: EOW 537

Dr. Crawford is co-director of PRIMED along with Dr. Buckham. He has a expertise in various areas of sustainable energy systems analysis and optimization, including on-shore/floating off-shore/airborne wind energy, tidal energy devices and arrays, wave energy device optimization, along with integration aspects of renewable energy into both grid-connected and remote micro-grid locales. Projects in these areas include both detailed device design, as well as array operation and large-scale integration scenarios to assess GHG reduction potentials. Cross-cutting all these subject areas is an interest in probabilistic/stochastic analysis and robust multidisciplinary optimization techniques including Bayesian, polynomial chaos expansion, cumulant-based and machine learning algorithms appropriate to the governing equations (fluids, structures, electrical). Grid and micro-grid integration activities focus on utilizing demand response, including electrified transport, alongside battery storage to deal with inherent renewable generation variability.