
Integrated Palliative Approach to Care in Residential Care (iPAC-RC)

The iPAC-RC is one arm of a CIHR Team Grant: Late Life Issues,

Study description

The research will look at evaluating innovative practices used in long term care at end of life. Building on previous research and collaboration, care competencies, practices and relationships will be evaluated in a larger quality improvement project being implemented in Island Health.

We anticipate outcomes to include developing evidence-informed recommendations for integrating and scaling up a palliative approach into LTC facilities, creating practice support tools to facilitate transitions into the care journey, and developing an evaluation framework including outcome measures and benchmarks.

Research objective

To evaluate an Island Health quality improvement project aimed at enhancing the quality of care in residential care for people with life-limiting conditions on the dying trajectory.


 Funding for this project has been provided by  (Grant #145401),   (Grant #18188), and Island Health (Grant #101148).


  • Kelli Stajduhar (Co-PI, UVic)
  • Denise Cloutier (Co-PI, UVic)
  • Leah MacDonald (Co-PI,I sland Health)
  • Rick Sawatzky (Co-I, TWU)
  • Della Roberts (Co-I, Island Health)