

CSRS fellows from 2022-23

Each year we welcome a broad mix of scholars to the centre as visiting members of our vibrant research community. Fellows in Residence (including Visiting Research Fellows, Graduate Student Fellows, UVic Faculty Fellows, Artists in Residence, and Community Sabbaticants) are provided with office space in the scenic and centrally located Sedgewick building, access to library and other university services, and valuable research and networking opportunities, all within a congenial retreat-like setting. CSRS Associate fellows are non-residents of the centre, currently working on projects that promote the scholarly study of religion, who participate in the academic and social opportunities provided by the centre's community.

We also host various types of fellows that are co-supported by other UVic departments and universities. They include Harold Coward Indian fellows, Indigenous Research Fellows and Katherin Young Award fellows. Please visit this page for more about fellowships.

Current Fellows

Past Fellows