
Weekend crowds on campus

November 4, 2021 -

Due to the increasing size and recklessness of crowds of young people on university property, the large majority of whom are not from UVic, the university and Saanich Police are taking unprecedented measures to prevent the unsafe weekend gatherings.

Read more: Weekend crowds on campus

Timely actions by many keep campus safe

January 5, 2017 - The Ring

Preparedness, notification and quick responses by campus community members pay off in arrest of suspect. Personal safety on UVic’s campus is a shared responsibility—a point demonstrated by events in 2016. Looking out for each other should be an everyday occurrence. And on top of preparedness and prevention, there are times when quick thinking and rapid responses also play a key role in keeping the campus safe.

Read more: Timely actions by many keep campus safe
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Knowledge: cyber safe

November 26, 2016 - The Ring

As digital technology becomes increasingly integrated and more advanced, so too does the threat to cyber-security. UVic’s Information Security and Object Technology research lab has been addressing this threat since 1999. Coordinator and research engineer Issa Traoré admits it’s a constant battle to keep ahead of hacker expertise and adaptability.

Read more: Knowledge: cyber safe
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Fire! Earthquake! Zombies! Are you ready for an emergency?

May 23, 2014 - The Ring

May 4–10 is Emergency Preparedness Week, a great time to check your emergency kit and review what to do in the event of a crisis on campus, or at home. Emergency Preparedness Week is a national event that takes place every year during the first full week of May. EP Week encourages Canadians to become better prepared for a range of emergencies, by taking three simple steps:

Read more: Fire! Earthquake! Zombies! Are you ready for an emergency?

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