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Expert Q&A with John Borrows on Indigenous health and economic prosperity

July 17, 2020 -

John Borrows, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Law at UVic, is a 2020 recipient of the Governor General's Innovation Award, announced today. Borrows talks about how Indigenous laws and protocols are helping to protect First Nations during the COVID-19 pandemic and how Indigenous laws and the new Canada-US-Mexico Agreement will provide a healthier and an economically stronger future for First Nations.

Read more: Expert Q&A with John Borrows on Indigenous health and economic prosperity
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Expert Q&A with John Borrows on Indigenous health and economic prosperity

July 14, 2020 -

John Borrows, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Law at UVic, is a 2020 recipient of the Governor General's Innovation Award, announced today. Borrows talks about how Indigenous laws and protocols are helping to protect First Nations during the COVID-19 pandemic and how Indigenous laws and the new Canada-US-Mexico Agreement will provide a healthier and an economically stronger future for First Nations.

Read more: Expert Q&A with John Borrows on Indigenous health and economic prosperity
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Truth and reconciliation leader to advance decolonization work at UVic

June 29, 2020 - The Ring

Indigenous leader Ry Moran becomes Canada’s first-ever Associate University Librarian—Reconciliation at UVic Libraries. In this new role, Moran will be looking to partner with Indigenous communities and work to directly address the need to help preserve and sustain Indigenous knowledge, as well as introduce Indigenous approaches to knowledge into the daily work of the Libraries.

Read more: Truth and reconciliation leader to advance decolonization work at UVic

September 27, 2019 - University Affairs

Helping one another to advance respect and reconciliation