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State of mindfulness

December 12, 2019 - The Torch

For three years, Faculty of Humanities Dean Chris Goto-Jones has been teaching a free, online course through Leiden University called Demystifying Mindfulness. More than 112,000 people have so far enrolled in the massive open online course (MOOC). Here, Goto-Jones explains the origins, contemporary interest and the continuing evolution of mindfulness in the health sector.

Read more: State of mindfulness
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New paper challenges evidence for some gold-standard psychotherapies

July 31, 2019 - Media release

Psychologists rely on a gold standard of clinical treatments for a wide range of conditions from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder to adult ADHD. Now new research by social psychologist John Sakaluk and his colleague at University of Kansas is calling into question some of the statistics supporting these psychotherapies.

Read more: New paper challenges evidence for some gold-standard psychotherapies

April 3, 2019 - CBC News

Canada's sea levels are rising

August 12, 2018 - Globe and Mail

Victoria teens joined seniors with dementia in a choir