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Expert Q&A on galaxy clusters

January 2, 2020 -

Scientists from Canada, the United States and Denmark have captured the clearest image known of a cluster of galaxies from 10 billion years ago in cosmic history. The discovery, published in Nature, provides clues the universe was more evolved than previously thought.

Read more: Expert Q&A on galaxy clusters
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A letter from Stephen Hawking

January 11, 2019 - The Ring

When UVic Professor Emeritus Werner Israel donated several early first-edition Cambridge volumes to UVic Libraries about black holes, quantum physics and relativity, a personal letter from notable physicist Stephen Hawking, recommending Israel for election to the esteemed Royal Society, came along for the ride as well.

Read more: A letter from Stephen Hawking

July 18, 2018 - Globe and Mail

Scientists test waters for large-scale physics experiment