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UVic ranked as a global leader in climate action

April 22, 2020 - The Ring

A global impact ranking released today by Times Higher Education (THE) evaluating universities’ global contributions towards meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) puts UVic among the world’s top tier of leaders in climate action, and among the world’s top 100 institutions overall in contributing to a sustainable future for the planet. THE ranked UVic fourth among the world’s universities for climate action—meaning research and action taken to understand and respond to the global challenge of climate change.

Read more: UVic ranked as a global leader in climate action
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Wildfire and Carbon: Increasing the resilience of BC’s forests to climate change

January 27, 2020 - Media release

Researchers from Canada and the US want to de-escalate the devastating forest wildfires that are increasingly occurring due to climate change, while strengthening development of a forest-based bioeconomy, and boosting carbon uptake. These goals are part of a $1 milion, four-year PICS Theme Partnership project.

Read more: Wildfire and Carbon: Increasing the resilience of BC’s forests to climate change
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A rock-solid solution for CO2

November 14, 2019 - The Ring

Scientists now know that for Earth to stay within the temperature increase limit set by the Paris Agreement, negative emission technologies, which remove and permanently sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, are essential. The Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions is bringing together an international team of experts to take on this challenge in a new four-year feasibility study.

Read more: A rock-solid solution for CO2