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A rock-solid solution for CO2

November 14, 2019 - The Ring

Scientists now know that for Earth to stay within the temperature increase limit set by the Paris Agreement, negative emission technologies, which remove and permanently sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, are essential. The Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions is bringing together an international team of experts to take on this challenge in a new four-year feasibility study.

Read more: A rock-solid solution for CO2
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Small boat traffic

September 27, 2019 - knowlEDGE

Vic marine biologist and coastal geographer Lauren McWhinnie is now looking at how we can also reduce noise pollution from small vessel traffic on this population of whales.

Read more: Small boat traffic

July 16, 2019 - CBC News

Canada's biggest underwater volcano is just off B.C.'s coast

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Small boat noise in the Salish Sea impacts whale health

June 7, 2019 - The Ring

On World Ocean’s Day, marine biologist and coastal geographer Lauren McWhinnie is excited to be part of the festivities at Fisherman’s Wharf and supporting local organization SIMRES (Saturna Island Marine Research and Education Society); however, her purpose will be to raise awareness about small boat noise in the Salish Sea and its impact on the health of whales and in particular the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKW).

Read more: Small boat noise in the Salish Sea impacts whale health