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Effects of cannabis use on youth: can we predict the future?

June 6, 2018 - Media release

New research by UVic psychologist Bonnie Leadbeater and lead author Kara Thompson from St. Francis Xavier University has identified specific patterns of cannabis use by youth. Thompson and Leadbeater, along with two other researchers, drew from an earlier youth survey conducted by UVic and Island Health. They expect their new findings will help inform current and future cannabis policies in Canada.

Read more: Effects of cannabis use on youth: can we predict the future?
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Coming of Age: a balancing act between work, school and life

October 26, 2016 - The Ring

When you hear the word ‘teenager’ do you imagine someone closed up in their room obsessed with their phone, text messages and social media? Or is it someone trying to balance work, school, health/stress, volunteering and family relationships? Recent research has proven the latter: the vast majority of teens care deeply about others and are involved in their communities. At the same time, many are facing very adult issues such as debt, finding affordable housing, stress and hypertension.

Read more: Coming of Age: a balancing act between work, school and life

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