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New Trudeau Scholar seeks change for Indigenous peoples

May 28, 2014 - The Ring

UVic Law student Aaron Mills’ doctoral work, which explores conflicting legal orders and the workings of contemporary colonialism, has earned him substantial praise and cemented his position as a leading scholar on Canadian constitutionalism and Indigenous law. Mills is a Vanier scholar and a former Ivy League Fulbright scholar. This week, he was handed yet another honour when he was named a Trudeau scholar—one of only 14 given out this year.

Read more: New Trudeau Scholar seeks change for Indigenous peoples

Survey: UVic consultation on violence

March 22, 2013 - The Ring

This survey is an opportunity to engage the campus community in exploring concerns of systematic violence, outreach methods and ideas to work towards a safe and inclusive campus environment. Please take 20 minutes to complete this anonymous and confidential survey sponsored by the UVic Equity and Human Rights Office. Your voice is imperative to the integrity and relevance of future non-violent events.

Read more: Survey: UVic consultation on violence

Indigenous governance focus of special edition of Arbutus Review

January 9, 2013 - The Ring

Check out the latest issue of UVic’s online peer-reviewed journal of outstanding undergraduate research papers, guest edited by UVic doctoral student and sessional instructor Adam Gaudry. This special issue is focused on Indigenous governance, with articles exploring the WSANEC Nation’s relationship with its traditional territories, how the Canadian Constitution hinders the development and restricts the scope of Indigenous rights, the different conceptions of place and citizenship within the Zapatista movement and those within Canadian multiculturalism, the ways in which Indigenous women are othered by the proceedings of the Missing Women’s Commission of Inquiry, the danger of recognizing Aboriginal rights through the lens of a Crown-Aboriginal fiduciary relationship, and contemporary Indigenous photographers’ use of humour to turn the colonial gaze back on itself. The Arbutus Review is produced with the support of UVic’s Learning and Teaching Centre. http://bit.ly/VAuNSy

Read more: Indigenous governance focus of special edition of Arbutus Review