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Role-playing brings history lessons into 21st century

November 4, 2020 - The Ring

Using a combination of web platforms and technologies like Slack, Zoom and Brightspace to organize and communicate, students in Rachel Hope Cleves' "History to 1750 through Role Play" course use historically-based characters and original source materials to help inform vital—but virtual—decisions like whether or not to quarantine from the plague.

Read more: Role-playing brings history lessons into 21st century

November 2, 2020 - CBC

QAnon has taken a ‘religious tone’ says sociologist

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Expert Q&A about pandemics in history

April 16, 2020 -

The COVID-19 crisis has shown that pandemics belong as much to the present as the past. From Ebola to HIV/AIDs to Zika, ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø historian Mitchell Hammond says disease has played an increasingly significant role in global affairs in recent decades. Hammond shares what we can learn from the pandemics of the past.

Read more: Expert Q&A about pandemics in history

January 18, 2020 - Globe and Mail

Retelling the Holocaust

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REACH Awards

October 3, 2019 - The Ring

On Oct. 10, the third annual REACH Awards will celebrate UVic scholars for their extraordinary contributions in research and teaching.

Read more: REACH Awards