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Link between telescopes reveals a galactic fossil

March 3, 2022 - The Ring

UVic astronomer Kim Venn co-led an international team that found one of these traces—a first-of-its-kind discovery that was published in Nature earlier this year. Not only was it a breakthrough for what they found—a star cluster with the lowest concentration of metals ever observed—it was made possible by making two ground-based telescopes work together in a new way. 

Read more: Link between telescopes reveals a galactic fossil
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Brain gain

December 1, 2021 - The Torch

PhD student and former Vikes swimmer Taylor Snowden-Richardson, BSc ’19, is studying how a cognitive-training system designed for athletes can help people with Traumatic Brain Injuries.

Read more: Brain gain

November 11, 2020 - New York Times

Training facial recognition on furry friends: Bears