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Learning from lands and waters

June 9, 2023 - The Ring

Andrew Ambers, who graduates this June with a degree in Indigenous Studies and political science, has combined his interests, research, heritage and thought-provoking perspectives on waterways to propose a promising new approach to resource management policy and law.

Read more: Learning from lands and waters

July 5, 2021 - The Conversation

Chocolate fix: How the cocoa industry could end deforestation

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Flash of inspiration

November 27, 2020 - The Torch

Alumni Bryce Jones (BSc ’16) and Angelique Ahlstrom (BA ’15, MA ’17) are part of a team growing a drone reforestation company to help in the battle against climate change.

Read more: Flash of inspiration
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Experts on wildfires

May 27, 2019 -

The wildfire season is heating up quickly in western Canada. The following UVic researchers are available to media for expert comment as we head into the hot summer months in BC and Alberta.

Read more: Experts on wildfires
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Peru field school experience teaches ecology, economy and spirituality

September 5, 2018 - The Ring

Walking along the foothills of the northern Peruvian Amazon, 14 UVic environmental studies students—along with instructors Ana Maria Peredo and Kate Turner and mentors Murdith McLean and Frederique Apffel-Marglin—embarked on a unique learning experience this spring that wove together ecology, economy and spirituality in an Indigenous setting.

Read more: Peru field school experience teaches ecology, economy and spirituality
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Millennia-spanning forest study garners international environmental award

March 2, 2017 - The Ring

Outstanding research in ecology was announced this week by the Ecological Society of America. A team of UVic researchers and grad students were recognized for their contribution to the fields of plant ecology and biogeography with the William Skinner Cooper Award for their research study, "Intertidal resource use over millennia enhances forest productivity," published in Nature Communications last year.

Read more: Millennia-spanning forest study garners international environmental award