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Driving sustainability forward

July 19, 2024 -

Akash Mohanty is one of a dozen students driving sustainability forward on Vancouver Island through the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø’s Sustainability Scholars program, a unique graduate program that offers students paid internships to work on applied sustainability research projects with local community, industry, government, Indigenous and non-profit organizations.

Read more: Driving sustainability forward
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Paul Hoffman wins Kyoto Prize for early Earth revelations

July 5, 2024 -

Paul Hoffman has been steadfast in his explorations of hypotheses that other scientists have ignored. Despite backlash against his research at various times throughout his career, the geologist and adjunct professor in UVic’s School of Earth and Ocean Sciences has made groundbreaking achievements regarding global freezing and plate tectonics in the deep past. On June 14, 2024, Hoffman was awarded the Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences by the Inamori Foundation for his profound influence on our understanding of Earth’s early history.

Read more: Paul Hoffman wins Kyoto Prize for early Earth revelations