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A passion for sociology

June 4, 2018 - The Ring

Falling in love with sociology and social justice studies came as something of a a surprise to social sciences grad Qwisun Yoon-Potkins, who moved from East Vancouver to pursue her post-secondary education at UVic. She graduates this month with an honours BA in sociology and a diploma in social justice studies.

Read more: A passion for sociology
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Supporting seniors’ access to fresh air and exercise

June 4, 2018 - The Ring

There’s nothing quite like looking across the ocean and feeling the fresh salty air filing your lungs as you ride your bike along Dallas Road. And Carson Sage, who graduates with a MA in Kinesiology this month, has been offering senior citizens in Victoria and beyond the opportunity to reconnect with nature through free bike rides, via the Cycling Without Age program.

Read more: Supporting seniors’ access to fresh air and exercise
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Chisasibi group’s mission to help Cree language and culture flourish

June 4, 2018 - The Ring

Margaret Fireman understands that language upholds her culture. Without language, oral traditions and wisdom passed down from her Cree ancestors would be lost. Language, she says, is closely tied to the land. And so when Fireman, a residential school survivor and then-manager of Chisasibi Heritage and Cultural Centre in northeastern Quebec, was searching for a program to bolster the preservation of her community's language of James Bay Cree, she chose carefully.

Read more: Chisasibi group’s mission to help Cree language and culture flourish
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Diploma by distance enables new perspective

June 4, 2018 - The Ring

Sabrina Curtis graduates this spring with an online Graduate Diploma in Evaluation through the School of Public Administration. As the director of planning and evaluation for the Columbia Basin Trust. Curtis is applying her learning directly to her complex work of measuring the performance of many diverse community programs and strategic initiatives supported by the trust.

Read more: Diploma by distance enables new perspective
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Fall Convocation 2017

November 9, 2017 - The Ring

Hundreds of UVic students and their families will gather on campus this month to celebrate reaching an academic milestone. A total of 1,396 degrees, certificates and diplomas will be conferred.

Read more: Fall Convocation 2017
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Visual arts degree takes grad on journey from worker to working artist

November 8, 2017 - The Ring

Brandon Poole spent his twenties as a carpenter and electrician, hitchhiking across Canada, living on a sailboat. And the classes he did take—philosophy, photo journalism—didn't lead to any specific path. It wasn't until he decided to shoot a series of photos in downtown Vancouver's back alleys that he had his academic epiphany.

Read more: Visual arts degree takes grad on journey from worker to working artist