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Day in the life: Karla Stout

October 26, 2019 - The Ring

When it comes to dressing for success, Karla Stout knows how to get it right. As the head of wardrobe for the Department of Theatre and a volunteer rober since 1994, Stout has ensured thousands of graduating students look their best when they cross the stage at convocation. Beyond draping hoods, adjusting tassels and soothing jangled nerves, Stout has also helped a variety of UVic presidents and chancellors look tip-top for the big day.

Read more: Day in the life: Karla Stout
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Spring 2019 Convocation

June 5, 2019 - The Ring

Thousands of UVic students and their families and friends gathered on campus this June to celebrate the achievement of an academic milestone. During Spring Convocation from June 10–14, ceremonies were held to confer 3,777 degrees, diplomas and certificates. Congratulations, grads!

Read more: Spring 2019 Convocation
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Web of support fosters new leadership in inclusive education

June 5, 2019 - The Ring

For Dominique Rochefort, a citizen of the Métis Nation, the journey to become an empowered teacher was mined with self-doubts and life challenges. Rochefort graduates with a UVic BEd in elementary teacher education—and will receive a Maxwell Cameron award from the BC Teachers’ Federation for the outstanding quality of her practice teaching, her top GPA and engagement in social justice.

Read more: Web of support fosters new leadership in inclusive education
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Honing the craft of storytelling—in journals, verse novels and archives

June 5, 2019 - The Ring

PhD graduate Samantha MacFarlane defended her Humanities dissertation on the same day that she won a prestigious award for designing a digital exhibit about Johnny Cash. She achieved it all, combining a love of storytelling with an enriching library work experience––in time for her June graduation.

Read more: Honing the craft of storytelling—in journals, verse novels and archives
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Between worlds: exploring ways of knowing

November 2, 2018 - The Ring

As a Métis woman, Brigitte Benning grew up in a tight-knit family with a strong maternal role model who taught her how to advocate for the rights and recognition of Indigenous people. Sociology caught her attention with its diversity of issues on gender, mental health, the environment, Indigenous methodologies, feminist studies and religion.

Read more: Between worlds: exploring ways of knowing