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Safer substance use

January 26, 2024 -

As many of you are aware, there is a concerning trend of unsafe drugs in BC. At a press conference on Jan. 24, BC’s Chief Coroner stated that nearly seven people a day died from toxic drugs in 2023 in BC. At UVic, The Student Wellness Centre, Office of Student Life, Residence Services and Campus Security want to share information with you to help prevent, recognize and respond to an overdose or over-intoxication.

Read more: Safer substance use
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Canada and Spain scientists establish new Antarctic Ocean observatory

January 16, 2024 - Media release

Canadian and European experts in polar observation are joining forces in a new partnership that will see Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) operating a subsea observatory at the Spanish Antarctic Station, providing year-round, near real-time data on ocean conditions there—the first time that ONC will extend its ocean monitoring outside Canadian waters.

Read more: Canada and Spain scientists establish new Antarctic Ocean observatory
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Celebrating 60 years of UVic

December 21, 2023 - The Ring

In 60 years of UVic history, six core achievements stand out for shaping the university today, revealing core values we hold—in equity and inclusion, partnerships that serve and build, and in sustainability initiatives that are poised to make a global difference

Read more: Celebrating 60 years of UVic
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DNA found for Coast Salish woolly dog

December 14, 2023 -

In a first high-resolution DNA study of "Mutton"—the only known woolly dog fleece in the world—an international researcher team from the Smithsonian’s Natural Museum of Natural History and UVic, pinpointed the genes responsible for the unusually long, crimpy undercoat, which was highly spinnable and could be made into warm blanket yarn.

Read more: DNA found for Coast Salish woolly dog