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The forgotten and vital secret beneath our feet

December 9, 2019 - Media release

A UVic hydrologist is one of an international group of scientists and experts who are calling for action to protect global groundwater resources—which makes up 99 per cent of the Earth's liquid freshwater. Tom Gleeson is lead author of a Nature Correspondence article published this week that says we are not doing enough to protect and manage global groundwater resources from contamination, salinization, depletion and neglect.

Read more: The forgotten and vital secret beneath our feet
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A rock-solid solution for CO2

November 14, 2019 - The Ring

Scientists now know that for Earth to stay within the temperature increase limit set by the Paris Agreement, negative emission technologies, which remove and permanently sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, are essential. The Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions is bringing together an international team of experts to take on this challenge in a new four-year feasibility study.

Read more: A rock-solid solution for CO2

October 31, 2019 - Vancouver Sun

BC needs huge power supply boost to electrify transport industry

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Experts on wildfires

May 27, 2019 -

The wildfire season is heating up quickly in western Canada. The following UVic researchers are available to media for expert comment as we head into the hot summer months in BC and Alberta.

Read more: Experts on wildfires

April 3, 2019 - CBC News

Canada's sea levels are rising