
June 29, 2021 - The Conversation

How tiny gold particles injected into tumours could improve radia

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In memoriam: Reg Mitchell

May 28, 2021 -

The ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø has lost a remarkable leader, with the passing of Reg Mitchell. Not only did he make incredible contributions to the field of chemistry, but he was also an enormous presence in the university's governance and its vibrant intellectual life.

Read more: In memoriam: Reg Mitchell
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Stepping up to the challenge

July 9, 2020 -

Rory Hills’ childhood fascination with science was born out of pure curiosity about the natural environment. He didn’t associate science with any significant world problems. That all changed when UVic researcher Andrew Weaver delivered a talk at Hills’ high school about the future impact of climate change.

Read more: Stepping up to the challenge
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Lab on a chip

April 24, 2020 - knowlEDGE

A miniaturized laboratory the size of a postage stamp could one day transform how scientists test potential drug treatments and diagnose disease.

Read more: Lab on a chip
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UVic donates hand sanitizer

April 14, 2020 - The Ring

UVic has delivered more than 200 litres of hand sanitizer—enough for about 65,000 single doses—for use by Island Health, whose front-line workers are in the thick of responding to the health crisis. UVic chemist David Leitch led the effort to plan and execute a manufacturing campaign consistent with stringent Health Canada standards, using supplies already on hand.

Read more: UVic donates hand sanitizer