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When art meets science

March 23, 2018 - knowlEDGE

Ever wanted to have an intimate, interactive moment with a baby orca? A new student-created sculpture allows viewers to have just that, while also learning something about the threats currently facing our local killer whale population.

Read more: When art meets science
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Visual arts degree takes grad on journey from worker to working artist

November 8, 2017 - The Ring

Brandon Poole spent his twenties as a carpenter and electrician, hitchhiking across Canada, living on a sailboat. And the classes he did take—philosophy, photo journalism—didn't lead to any specific path. It wasn't until he decided to shoot a series of photos in downtown Vancouver's back alleys that he had his academic epiphany.

Read more: Visual arts degree takes grad on journey from worker to working artist
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Two artists, one lake, 100 years apart

June 22, 2017 - Media release

​On July 8, the 100th anniversary of Tom Thomson’s death, Paul Walde will swim across Canoe Lake, accompanied by a synchronized swim squad, canoe flotilla and brass band. Walde, chair of UVic's visual arts department, intends to reframe the early 20th-century artist’s legacy and images of Canada in a future installation.

Read more: Two artists, one lake, 100 years apart