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Labwork builds the brain, literally

June 4, 2018 - The Ring

When Tia Sojonky arrived at UVic from her hometown of Regina, Saskatchewan to study engineering, she realized she'd underestimated how much hard work it was going to be. Sojonky, who's graduating in June with an honor’s degree in biomedical engineering, says she did take advantage of the many resources available for assistance but what made the biggest difference for her was doing a co-op work term in Stephanie Willerth’s biomedical engineering lab.

Read more: Labwork builds the brain, literally
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A passion for sociology

June 4, 2018 - The Ring

Falling in love with sociology and social justice studies came as something of a a surprise to social sciences grad Qwisun Yoon-Potkins, who moved from East Vancouver to pursue her post-secondary education at UVic. She graduates this month with an honours BA in sociology and a diploma in social justice studies.

Read more: A passion for sociology
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Supporting seniors’ access to fresh air and exercise

June 4, 2018 - The Ring

There’s nothing quite like looking across the ocean and feeling the fresh salty air filing your lungs as you ride your bike along Dallas Road. And Carson Sage, who graduates with a MA in Kinesiology this month, has been offering senior citizens in Victoria and beyond the opportunity to reconnect with nature through free bike rides, via the Cycling Without Age program.

Read more: Supporting seniors’ access to fresh air and exercise
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Biology grad builds community with STEM

June 4, 2018 - The Ring

In her past four and a half years, UVic biology undergraduate student Yamila Franco has developed an impressive list of accomplishments: achieving fluency in French, completing four co-op terms and an Honours project, learning how to code, blogging for MyUVic Life, pursuing her passion in photography and becoming a board member with the BC Chapter of the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research.

Read more: Biology grad builds community with STEM
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Father-in-law: Will McClary

June 4, 2018 - The Ring

Law school can be stressful. And hard. Add to that becoming a new father during your second year and you've got a big challenge on your hands. Will McClary took on that challenge, and because of the support he received at UVic Law, he took it in stride. Then he added an executive role on the board of the Law Student Society (LSS).

Read more: Father-in-law: Will McClary
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Bright lights, big city for English grad

June 4, 2018 - The Ring

Growing up on a small island three hours north of Victoria, the outdoors served as Iona Lister's classroom. Home-schooled for the most part until high school, Lister spent her days reading, writing and making music while immersed in nature. The English master's student, who graduates this June, has since taken to travelling, trekking across Europe and South America, and learning several languages, including Spanish and French.

Read more: Bright lights, big city for English grad
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Chisasibi group’s mission to help Cree language and culture flourish

June 4, 2018 - The Ring

Margaret Fireman understands that language upholds her culture. Without language, oral traditions and wisdom passed down from her Cree ancestors would be lost. Language, she says, is closely tied to the land. And so when Fireman, a residential school survivor and then-manager of Chisasibi Heritage and Cultural Centre in northeastern Quebec, was searching for a program to bolster the preservation of her community's language of James Bay Cree, she chose carefully.

Read more: Chisasibi group’s mission to help Cree language and culture flourish
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Diploma by distance enables new perspective

June 4, 2018 - The Ring

Sabrina Curtis graduates this spring with an online Graduate Diploma in Evaluation through the School of Public Administration. As the director of planning and evaluation for the Columbia Basin Trust. Curtis is applying her learning directly to her complex work of measuring the performance of many diverse community programs and strategic initiatives supported by the trust.

Read more: Diploma by distance enables new perspective
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Learning is at the heart of Phoenix plays

February 1, 2018 - The Ring

Just like a family, Department of Theatre students know how to pull together during a time of need. While audiences watch a play for enjoyment, each Phoenix Theatre production is a hands-on learning opportunity for up to 150 students enrolled in 10 to 15 different courses. Such is the case with "Crimes of the Heart," running Feb. 15–24.

Read more: Learning is at the heart of Phoenix plays