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Urban green thumb

July 19, 2022 - Business Class

Chris Hildreth's dream was to create the highest-quality sustainable food system without chemicals, single-use plastics or, most notably, any agricultural land. And so, with Hildreth sweating in the afternoon heat, TOPSOIL was born—and the rooftop venture eventually evolved into 3,000-plus geotextile dirt-filled containers on 20,000 square feet of vacant land at Dockside Green.

Read more: Urban green thumb
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Bridging knowledges for land and water stewardship

April 27, 2022 - The Ring

What happens when Indigenous People lead resource decision-making on their own terms, across their own traditional territories? Communities in Tanzania and Canada are documenting and sharing their experiences, supported by a ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø Department of Geography project that illustrates how partnerships can advance the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Read more: Bridging knowledges for land and water stewardship
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2018 Co-op Students of the Year

February 14, 2019 - The Ring

From supporting Syrian refugees’ arrival to Victoria, to curating interactive exhibits and identifying opportunities in the labour market, this year’s UVic Co-op Students of the Year are positive change makers. Each student was recognized by their co-operative education programs for their meaningful and outstanding contribution to multiple areas of their life including class, the workplace and the greater community. 

Read more: 2018 Co-op Students of the Year
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The future of chocolate is unclear

January 29, 2019 - Media release

A new paper by UVic geographer Sophia Carodenuto reveals troubling questions and provides specific recommendations for the future of cocoa farming in some of the world’s key cocoa-producing countries—Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Cameroon—amidst the pressures of climate change, soil erosion and excessive forest loss.

Read more: The future of chocolate is unclear
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Peru field school experience teaches ecology, economy and spirituality

September 5, 2018 - The Ring

Walking along the foothills of the northern Peruvian Amazon, 14 UVic environmental studies students—along with instructors Ana Maria Peredo and Kate Turner and mentors Murdith McLean and Frederique Apffel-Marglin—embarked on a unique learning experience this spring that wove together ecology, economy and spirituality in an Indigenous setting.

Read more: Peru field school experience teaches ecology, economy and spirituality