
June 11, 2020 - Canada Foundation for Innovation

The search for virus-resistant material

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Sociologist wins national prize for reducing inequity and stigma

May 26, 2020 - Media release

From advocating for the recognition of Indigenous and non-Indigenous midwives, to working with street-involved youth, to empowering sex workers to become their own health advocates, sociologist Cecilia Benoit has made vital contributions to the advancement of class, race and gender equality in Canada. CISUR scientist and sociology professor emerita at UVic has been awarded the 2020 Killam Prize in Social Sciences.

Read more: Sociologist wins national prize for reducing inequity and stigma

May 6, 2020 - The Conversation

Managing alcohol in COVID

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Give us a sign

April 28, 2020 - The Ring

Since the American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter and UVic instructor Nigel Howard started interpreting for the BC government’s daily COVID-19 updates, several social media pages have sprung up in appreciation, the largest of which has 3,700 followers.

Read more: Give us a sign
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Expert Q&A about waste pickers hit hard by pandemic

April 22, 2020 -

UVic geographer Jutta Gutberlet, who works with waste-pickers—or binners, as they’re often called— in Victoria and Brazil says the COVID-19 pandemic has hit this population hard. On Earth Day, Gutberlet talks about her efforts to share health information to help keep these workers, who play an important role in diverting waste from landfill, safe.

Read more: Expert Q&A about waste pickers hit hard by pandemic
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Expert Q&A about pandemics in history

April 16, 2020 -

The COVID-19 crisis has shown that pandemics belong as much to the present as the past. From Ebola to HIV/AIDs to Zika, ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø historian Mitchell Hammond says disease has played an increasingly significant role in global affairs in recent decades. Hammond shares what we can learn from the pandemics of the past.

Read more: Expert Q&A about pandemics in history
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UVic donates hand sanitizer

April 14, 2020 - The Ring

UVic has delivered more than 200 litres of hand sanitizer—enough for about 65,000 single doses—for use by Island Health, whose front-line workers are in the thick of responding to the health crisis. UVic chemist David Leitch led the effort to plan and execute a manufacturing campaign consistent with stringent Health Canada standards, using supplies already on hand.

Read more: UVic donates hand sanitizer