
Faria A.

Faria A.
Area of Study: Biology
Sentence and essay structure, thesis statements, and concise writing

Hi, my name is Faria Athar and I am a doctoral student at the Department of Biology. The focus of my research is on understanding the interplay between nutrition, reproductive health, and longevity. Before joining UVic, I worked at the Institute of Healthy Aging, at University College London(UCL), UK where I completed my Masters in Biosciences. I am also TA at the Department of Biology at UVic and love learning from and interacting with students. At the CAC I really enjoy working with students to break down complex ideas into simple but academically sound, readable essays and improving written and oral communication. My specialties include sentence and essay structure, thesis statements, and concise writing. Although my expertise lies in scientific writing, I look forward to reading work from all disciplines.