
Emily A.

Emily A.
CAC Coordinator
Office: LIB 135f
Area of expertise

Time-management strategies; sentence-level clarity and concision; logical sequencing and overall cohesion 

About Emily: I graduated from UVic in 2019 and was fortunate enough to work with the wonderful CAC team ever since, first in the capacity of an EAL Specialist, then in the dual capacity of a CAC tutor and academic coach. When not helping students with academic strategies or compositional queries, I’m busy finessing manuscripts as the managing editor of UVic’s interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, undergraduate journal. 

Fun fact: Outside of work, I love to play guitar, sing, quilt, write short stories, watch documentaries, jump around at aquafit, and go for scenic hikes with my kiddos. I grew up in Victoria and feel grateful to live in such a beautiful place.