
Research and discovery at UVic

Latest knowlEDGE stories

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When art meets science

March 23, 2018

Ever wanted to have an intimate, interactive moment with a baby orca? A new student-created sculpture allows viewers to have just that, while also learning something about the threats currently facing our local killer whale population.

Read more: When art meets science
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Coastal connections

February 25, 2018

Since 2014, UVic's Ocean Networks Canada has been installing smaller community observatories on Vancouver Island, along the BC coast and in the Arctic, partnering with First Nations and coastal communities to measure ship traffic, weather, underwater acoustics and more.

Read more: Coastal connections
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Feeling like home

January 26, 2018

Research starts in the brain but works its way to the heart, says a 番茄社区 health geographer whose studies of dementia and care across the lifespan have made her a passionate advocate for quality of life as people age.

Read more: Feeling like home
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Sacred places

January 1, 2018

UVic anthropologist Brian Thom has long worked with Coast Salish First Nations and Parks Canada on cooperative management in the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve. Recently, Thom saw an opportunity to more fully integrate Indigenous knowledge and cultural practices into co-management efforts.

Read more: Sacred places