
Janine Wulz

Janine Wulz
Sessional Lecturer

MA, University of Vienna & Warsaw; PhD Candidate

Area of expertise

Germanic Studies

Janine Wulz is a lecturer and researcher at the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø (Canada) and currently working on her interdisciplinary PhD in teacher education and Holocaust studies. Her work is focused on Holocaust Education, and she is interested in critical approaches towards education, policy making, historic-political education and language education.

Janine studied Political Science, Public Management and Education in Austria (University of Vienna, FH Campus Wien) and Poland (University of Warsaw). She became chair of the Austrian student’s union and served on European and national committees for higher education in the areas of student’s union, Bologna Process and quality assurance. Since 2014, she worked as a researcher, project manager and country expert at 3s in Vienna, with a focus on questions of equity and inclusion in education as well as internationalisation, adult and vocational education. She was working as a teacher for German as a foreign language and as a lecturer for diversity and disability studies (FH Kärnten).

Janine's PhD project builds on more than a decade of working in Holocaust Education as activist, guide and volunteer in museums as well as a trainer organising field schools and workshops at diverse Holocaust memorial sites in Europe, with a particular focus on Austrian memorial politics and partisan resistance movements. Within her interdisciplinary PhD, Janine is interested in how teachers are prepared for their work in Holocaust Education.


Wulz, Janine; Vigl, Matthias (2021): Studienfahrt Kärnten und Slowenien. In: Verein Gedenkdienst (Hg) (2021): Orientierungen, Irritationen. Studienfahrten an Erinnerungsorte der NS-Verbrechen.LIT Verlag. Wien.

Gasteiger, Marita; Wulz, Janine (2020). Recognizing Student Activism. Analysing practices in recognizing informal learning in the EHEA. In: Curaj, A.; Deca, L.; Pricopie, R. (2020).  European Higher Education Area: Challenges for a New Decade. Springer Open Access. 

Hefler, Günther; Steinheimer, Eva, Wulz, Janine (2020).  Learning in the struggle: Social movement organisations fighting for improved employment conditions.  ENLIVEN Policy Brief No. 9. Vienna.

Wulz J., Gasteiger M., Ruland J. (2018) The Role of Student Counselling for Widening Participation of Underrepresented Groups in Higher Education. In: Curaj A., Deca L., Pricopie R. (eds) European Higher Education Area: The Impact of Past and Future Policies. Springer Open Access.

Wulz, Janine; Rainer, Florian (2015). Challenges for Student Mobility in a Cosmopolitan Europe. In: Adrian Curaj, Liviu Matei, Remus Pricopie, Jamil Salmi and Peter Scott (Eds.) (2015) The European Higher Education Area: Between Critical Reflections and Future Policies, Springer Open Access (http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319187679)

Wulz, Janine (2014). Wenn Rechtsextreme in der Hofburg tanzen. In: Bund demokratischer WissenschafterInnen (2014): Wissenschaft von Rechts. Rechte Ideologie, rechte Theorie und rechte Netzwerke an Hochschulen. BdWi Studienheft 9.

Wulz, Janine (2010). Stadtrundgang Triest. In: Assoziation A. Fransecky/ Rudorff/ Scheider/ Stracke (Hg.) (2010): Umkämpfte Erinnerungen. Kärnten. Slowenien. Triest. Assoziation A. Berlin. Hamburg. S. 209-214

Preparing Educators for Teaching the Holocaust. A First Analysis of Teacher Education Policies and Curricula for Holocaust Education in Austria and Canada. Lessons and Legacies Interim Meeting. Holocaust Educational Foundation of Northwestern University. Evanston, IL, 28-30 October 2021

Experiential learning and agency at Holocaust memorial sites - Participant's reflection documents from three different field trips to Holocaust memorial sites between 2015 and 2018. Holocaust Tourism Seminar, GSA Conference 2021

Developing a New Curricular Framework for Holocaust and Human Rights Education in Austria, Canada, Israel and the USA. EERSS Summer School (2021)

Discussing the Holocaust in the German Language Classroom. Canadian Association of University Teachers of German (CAUTG) Conference. Virtual Congress (2021)

The neoliberal university. Cultural, Social, and Political Thought (CSPT) Colloquium: Critical Pedagogies for a Postliterate Age. Towards a Posthuman Humanities? March 25, 2021

Universities responsibility in Holocaust Education - between memorialisation, education and nation building" Germanic and Slavic Studies Graduate Students Conference, March 6, 2020, UVIC

The Intersection of Individual and Organisational Bounded Agency in Workplace Learning – A Comparative Approach. ECER Bolzano (2018) with Günter Hefler, Ivana Studena and Denisa Fedakova.

The role of student counselling for widening participation of under-represented groups in higher education.  Bologna Process Researcher Conference Bucharest (2017) with  Marita Gasteiger and Johannes Ruland

The Contribution Of Higher Education Institutions To Social Mobility. Measures On The Social Dimension For More Inclusive Access And Wider Participation In Higher Education In Austria. With Tanja Bacher and Sigrid Nindl. ECER Copenhagen. (2017)