
Christina Seeck

Christina Seeck
DAAD Instructor 2024
Germanic Studies

MA (German as a Foreign Language – Teaching Culture, Free University Berlin, Germany), BA (Cultural Studies and English/ American Studies, University of Potsdam, Germany)

I started my academic credentials in 2017 with the bachelor degree at the University of Potsdam. I studied Cultural Studies focusing on literary and arts and my minor in English and American Studies was divided in language practice, linguistics and culture studies, thereby also Postcolonial studies. I wrote my bachelor thesis about linguistic creativity in transcultural contemporary German literature and received my final certificate in 2021. Due to an internship at the German culture institute in Tallinn I got to know more about teaching German as a Foreign Tongue which is why I decided to do my masters degree in this area at the Free University Berlin. During the master I had the opportunity to do an internship at the University of Lisbon via the Erasmus + programme for one semester where I was able to get some teaching practice. Next to my studies I also work in an association teaching German to unaccompanied minor refugees. I am currently writing my master thesis about the use of performative elements in the teaching practice with teenagers.