
Bernadette Zakher

Bernadette Zakher
JBI Research Coordinator
School of Nursing
Office: HSD A476


Bernadette joined the School of Nursing in 2022 as a research coordinator for the JBI Centre for Evidence informed Nursing and Health Care (CEiNHC) after spending the previous decade specializing in systematic review research to support evidence-based clinical decision making in the United States and Canada. She completed medical school in Sydney, Australia and a residency in public health medicine in Portland, Oregon. She also holds a Masters in Public Health with a focus in Epidemiology.

The JBI research coordinator supports faculty and students in the School of Nursing (SON) to complete their own systematic reviews within the framework established by JBI, a global, non-profit, research organisation committed to promoting and supporting evidence-based healthcare.

Bernadette collaborates with members of the JBI Committee and with other research-related positions in the School of Nursing and Faculty of Human & Social Development to contribute to creating a research and scholarly-intensive environment. Her work helps build capacity in systematic review research and scholarship for group members and affiliated members from across Canada. She helps coordinate the Center’s research activities and acts as the point of contact for systematic reviews run through the Centre.

In an ideal world, decisions about managing an individual or the public’s health are based on evidence sourced from high-quality systematic review research, Bernadette’s role with JBI is a continuation of her commitment to evidence-based practice in health care.