
Dr. Lorelei Newton

Dr. Lorelei Newton
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing

Accepting PhD Students

Office: HSD B216


Area of expertise

Nursing ethics; professional practice/leadership; rural nursing; advanced practice nursing; nursing education; geriatric oncology; palliative care; knowledge translation; nursing pedagogy; ageism; aging

Dr. Lorelei Newton joined the School of Nursing as a full time faculty member in 2019. For over two decades she has taught nurses and nursing students at the undergraduate and graduate level in practice and simulation/clinical labs as well as research ethics, theory, and advanced practice courses. She is the coordinator for the Master of Nursing Program (APL stream). She teaches from an appreciative perspective using strength-based approaches to solidify learning and foster a positive and respectful environment where students feel encouraged to critically reflect and think deeply. She supports students as they transition to an understanding that nursing, as a profession and a discipline, requires a commitment to lifelong learning and inquiry. Dr. Newton was recognized by the Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of BC (NNPBC) in 2020 with the Nursing Award of Excellence in Nursing Education and is a Certified Global Nurse Consultant with the International Council of Nurses.

Dr. Newton has practiced as a clinical nurse, advanced practice nurse, professional practice leader, educator and manager in a variety of rural and urban settings including palliative care, oncology, emergency, and community/public health. 

Dr. Newton's research interests include nursing ethics, nursing leadership, geriatric oncology nursing, the intersection of ageing and oncology and nursing pedagogy.

Please also see Dr. Newton's , and . 

And occasional Tweets from


Current research projects include:

Canadian Scholar, Global Nursing Leadership Institute - International Council of Nursing-GNLI scholar – Nursing Policy and Advocacy

Principal Investigator: Digital information needs & eHealth literacy of older adults with cancer (interdisciplinary collaboration funded by Internal Research Grant, July 2021) with JCURA Recipient Claire Fullerton

Co-Investigator: Development of a Novel Multi-Disciplinary Model to Explore Biological Aging.  Principal Investigator Hosna Jabbari with A. Mallidou, L.Newton, T. Paterson, R. Rhodes, Z. Zhang. UVic Collaborative Health Grant (Institute of Aging and Lifelong Health Collaboration) – awarded February 2021

Principal Investigator: Enhancing geriatric cancer patient care: Oncology nurses’ perspectives (funded by Internal Research Grant, July 2020) with JCURA Recipient Natasha Lehman (4th year)
Co-author: A scoping review of ageism in oncology: A paper by the Nursing and Allied Health Group of the International Society of Geriatric Oncology (in progress). Lead authors Haase, K.R. & Sattar, S. with Pilleron, S., Frisby, M., Jinn, R., Kantilal, K., Lambrechts., Y., Navarette, E., Newton, L., O’Donovan, A., Pergolotti, M., Strohschein, F., Stolz Baskett, P., Szuts, N., Wal-Huisman, H., & Puts, M.
Principal Investigator: Pedagogical implications of implementing a workplace violence prevention simulation into nursing students' preparation for clinical practice (funded by Dorothy Kergin Endowment Fund, March 2020) with Darlaine Jantzen (TWU), Sean Sturgill (Camosun College) and Kerry-Ann Dompierre (Camosun College).
Co- Investigator with: Strategies for Increasing Accessibility and Equity in Health and Human Service Educational Programs: National Perspectives. (funded by New Frontiers in Research Fund-Exploration 2019 SSHRC) with Principal Investigator Tal Jarus (UBC) and; I Epstein; E Katzman; K Yoshida; A Loyola-Sanchez; S Kimpson; L Newton; L Stephens; K Aubrecht; C Holmes; L Donnelly; G Parhar; T Edelist; S Mahipaul; R Lysaght; B Beagan; S Kamenetsky.
Completed projects include:

Co-Investigator: Knowledge Translation: Nursing Uptake and Patient Outcomes Examined. ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø and British Columbia Cancer Agency-Vancouver Island (04/09 to 08/12). Principal Investigator- Dr. Mary Ellen Purkis, with L Newton, M Alford and S Kimpson. Funding Source: Canadian Nurses Foundation ($30,000)

Co-Investigator: An Examination of Activities in the Patient Support Clinic: A Descriptive and Exploratory Study, ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø and British Columbia Cancer Agency-Vancouver Island (09/09 to 08/12). Principal Investigators- Dr. Mary Ellen Purkis, with L Newton, M Alford and S Kimpson. Funding Source: Stephen Berg Fund, BCCA ($8,000)

Co-Investigator: Measurement of Moral Distress and Ethical Climate among Nurses in British Columbia, ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø. Principal Investigator –Dr. Jan Storch, with B Pauly, C Varcoe and L Newton (07/05 to 08/10). Funding Source: Health Canada, Office of Nursing Policy ($10,000)

Co- Investigator with: Reawakening a Caring Culture in Health Care: Nurses Leading Transformation in Health Systems (funded by Vancouver Foundation Systems Change Develop Grant) with Principal Investigator Marcia Hills (UVic), Susan Duncan (UVic), Lorelei Newton, Angela Wignall (Island Health), Maureen Ryan (UVic), Ingrid Handlovsky (UVic)


Course assignments within the UVic program include:
Nursing graduate courses: 516-Leadership for Advancing Nursing Practice; 517-Leading in Practice Settings; 520-Philosophy for Advanced Practice Nursing; 522-Nursing Ethics for Health System Transformation; 525-Disciplinary Research for APN;
Nursing undergraduate courses: 360-Professional Practice VI: Nursing Research; 370-Consolidated Practice Experience III; 470-Consolidated Practice Experience IV; 475-Consolidated Practice Experience V; 491-Nursing Practice VIII Transitions;
Dr. Newton supervises graduate students at the masters and doctoral level.

Selected publications

Jantzen, D., Newton, L., Dompierre, K. and Sturgill, S. (under review). Preventing Violence & Promoting Moral Agency: Imagining and Performing. Nursing Philosophy

Duncan, S. & Newton, L. (in press). Ethical Leadership at the Interface of the Nursing Profession, Organizations, and Health Care Systems (Chapter 5). In Moral Horizon, 3rd Ed., open-access textbook, J. Storch, P. Rodney & R. Starzomski (Eds.)

Booker, R., & Newton, L. (2022). Guest Editorial – Forging ahead: CANO/ACIO’s Strategic Plan for 2022–2024. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal/Revue Canadienne De Soins Infirmiers En Oncologie, 32(2), 158-161.

Booker, R., Newton, L., & Fitch, M. I. (2022). Setting the stage for strategic planning- Perspectives of CANO/ACIO Members 2021. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal/Revue Canadienne De Soins Infirmiers En Oncologie, 32(1), 100–104. PMID:

Fitch, M. I., Nicoll, I., Newton, L., & Strohschein, F. J. (2022). Challenges of Survivorship for Older Adults Diagnosed with Cancer. Current Oncology Reports, 24(6), 763–773.

Shapkin, K. MacKinnon, K., Sangster-Gormley, K., Newton, L., & Holroyd-Leduc, J. (2022). A Qualitative Systematic Review Protocol: Healthcare Professionals' Experiences with Treatment Decision-Making when Older Adults have Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia. PROSPERO 2021 CRD42021271485 Available from:

Haase, K., Sattar, S., Pilleron, S., Lambrechts, Y., Hannan, M., Navarrete, E., Kantilal, K., Newton, L., Jin, R., van der Wal-Huisman, H., Strohschein, F., Pergolotti, M.,Read,K., Kenis, C. & Puts, M. (2021). Ageism in cancer care: A scoping review by the International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) Nursing and Allied Health Interest Group. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 12(8), S23.

Fitch, M. I., Nicoll, I., Lockwood, G., Loiselle, C. G., Longo, C. J., Newton, L., & Strohschein, F. J. (2021). Exploring the relationships between income and emotional/practical concerns and help-seeking by older adult cancer survivors: A secondary analysis. Journal of geriatric oncology, S1879-4068(21)00253-8. Advance online publication.

Strohschein, F.J., Newton, L., Fitch, M., Puts, M., Jin, R., Haase, K.R., Plante, A., Loucks, A. & Kenis, C. (2021). Optimizing the Care of Older Canadians with Cancer and their Caregivers: A Statement Articulating the Position and Contribution of Canadian Oncology Nurses. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal / Revue Canadienne De Soins Infirmiers En Oncologie, 31(3), 352-356. Retrieved from:

Fitch, M., Nicoll, I., Lockwood, G., Strohschein, F. & Newton, L. (2021). Cancer survivors 75 years and older: Physical, emotional, and practical needs. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care; Published Online First: 21 April 2021. doi: 10.1136/bmjspcare-2020-002855

Fitch, M., Nicoll, I., Lockwood, G., Newton, L. & Strohschein, F. (2021). Improving Survivorship Care: Perspectives of cancer survivors 75 years and older. Journal of Geriatric Oncology.

Fitch, M., Nicoll, I., Lockwood, G., Strohschein, F. & Newton, L. (2021). Main challenges transitioning to survivorship: Perspective of older adults diagnosed with cancer. Journal of Geriatric Oncology,

Puts, M., Strohschein, F.J., Oldenmenger, W., Haase, K.R., Newton, L., Fitch, M., Sattar, S., Stolz-Baskett, P., Jin, R., A., Loucks, A. Nightingale, G. & Kenis, C. (2021). Position statement on Oncology and Cancer Nursing Care for Older Adults with Cancer and their Caregivers of the International Society of Geriatric Oncology Nursing and Allied Health Interest Group, the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology Oncology & Aging Special Interest Group, and the European Oncology Nursing Society. Journal of Geriatric Oncology

Puts, M., Oldenmenger, W., Haase, K.R., Sattar, S., Strohschein, F.J., Stolz-Baskett, P., Nightingale, G., Newton, L., Jin, R., Loucks, A., Fitch, M., A., & Kenis, C. (2021). Optimizing care for older adults with cancer: International Society of Geriatric Oncology Nursing and Allied Health Interest Group and European Oncology Nursing Society survey results from nurses regarding challenges and opportunities caring for older adults with cancer. Journal of Geriatric Oncology

Fitch, M., Nicoll, I., Lockwood, G., Newton, L. & Strohschein, F. (2020). Improving Survivorship Care: Perspectives of cancer survivors 75 years and older. Journal of Geriatric Oncology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jgo.2020.09.012
Fitch, M., Nicoll, I., Lockwood, G., Strohschein, F. & Newton, L. (2020). Main challenges transitioning to survivorship: Perspective of older adults diagnosed with cancer. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jgo.2020.09.024
Watson, L., Fitch, M., Mushani, T., Savage, P., Strohschein, F., Puts, M., Kenis, C., Newton, L. and McQuestion, M. (2019). CANO/ACIO International Symposium: Working in partnership within and beyond our Canadian borders to enhance oncology care. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal / Revue canadienne de soins infirmiers en oncologie, [S.l.], 29(3), 210-215. ISSN 2368-8076.
Strohschein, F.J., Haase, K.R., Puts, M., Jin, R., Newton, L., Fitch, M., Loucks, A. & Kenis, C. (2019). Facilitating a Canadian conversation about oncology nurses’ role in optimizing care of older adults with cancer: Preliminary insights. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 10(6), S84.
Ashwood-Smith, H., Newton, L. and Gibbs, R. (2019). “Poverty is our Biggest Enemy": Canadian Nursing Students’ International Learning Experiences (ILEs). Athens Journal of Health & Medical Sciences, 6 (3), 119-142.
Strohschein, F. & Newton, L. (2018). Mobilizing purpose and passion in oncology nursing care of older adults: From conference workshop to special interest group. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 28(2), 89-94.
Newton, L. & Kimpson, S. (2014). Fitting square pegs into round holes: Doing qualitative research in a quantitative world. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 46(3), 46-64.
Schick Makaroff, K., Storch, J., Pauly, B. & Newton, L. (2014). Searching for Ethical Leadership in Nursing. Nursing Ethics, 21(6), 642-658.
Storch, J., Pauley, B., Schick Makaroff, K. & Newton, L. (2013). Take Me to My Leader: The Importance of Ethical Leadership Among Formal Nurse Leaders. Nursing Ethics, 20(2), 150-157.
Newton, L., Storch, J., Schick Makaroff, K. & Pauly, B. (2012). Stop the Noise! From Voice to Silence, Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 25(1), 90-104.
Newton, L. (2012). Social media: The promises, the perils and ‘the patient 2.0.’ Nurses Association of New Brunswick Info Nursing Journal, 43(3), 31-34.
Newton, L., Brethour, D. Forge, H., Hammel, R., Hordyk, N., Johnson, C., Morris, A., Nikl, W., Nyce, A., Robinson, G., Russell, A. & Webster, J. (2012). Creativity – scholarship connection: Six-word stories. Nursing Communique, Autumn, 11.
Varcoe, C., Storch, J., Pauly, B., Newton, L. & Schick Makaroff, K. (2012). Nurses Perceptions of and Reponses to Morally Distressing Situations. Nursing Ethics, 19(4), 488-500.
Newton, L. (2010). Candidacy Exams: Defending myself. International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing Newsletter, 9(2), 3-6. 
Schick Makaroff, K., Storch, J. L., Newton, L., Fulton, T. & Stevenson, L. (2010). Dare we speak of ethics? Attending to the unsayable amongst nurse leaders. Nursing Ethics, 7(5) 566–576.
Storch, J., Rodney, P., Varcoe, C., Pauly, B., Starzomski, R., Stevenson, L., Best, L., Mass, H., Fulton, T., Mildon, B., Bees, F., Chisholm, A., MacDonald-Rencz, S., McCutcheon, A., Shamian, J., Thompson, C., Schick Makaroff, K., & Newton, L. (2009). Leadership for Ethical Policy and Practice: Participatory Action Project. Canadian Journal for Nursing Leadership, 22(3), 68-80.
Storch, J., Rodney, P., Pauly, B., Stevenson, L., Fulton, T., Newton, L. & Schick Makaroff, K. (2009). Enhancing Ethical Climates for Nursing Work Environments. Canadian Nurse, 105(3), 20-25.
Pauly, B., Varcoe, C., Storch, J. & Newton, L. (2009). Registered Nurses’ Perceptions of Moral Distress and Ethical Climate. Nursing Ethics, 16(5), 561-573.
Newton, L. (2009). Reflexivity, Validity and Roses. Complicity: International Journal of Complexity & Education, 6(2), 104-112. Access at