
Dr. Elizabeth Lindsey

Dr. Elizabeth Lindsey

Liz’s academic career was founded on the philosophy, principles, and practices of community development and health promotion. This particular focus informed her teaching, writing, and practice.

Through this lens, Liz became the coordinator of a partnership between the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø and nine provincial nursing schools in the creation of a new and innovative undergraduate nursing curriculum. As a result of this work, Liz received an award of distinction from the Registered Nurses Association of BC.

After retiring from the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø, Liz became a consultant with the World Health Organization (WHO). She was first hired to develop HIV/AIDS fact sheets for nurses and midwives working in resource limited settings. The intention was to develop short factual teaching tools for front-line practitioners. In the early years of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, these fact sheets were translated into many languages and used extensively throughout the developing world.

Liz’s WHO consulting role was expanded to the development of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PHA) community health centres in Asia, Africa, and beyond. She first conducted extensive needs assessments to ensure these centres were appropriate and responsive to the needs of PHA, their families, and the community. As a result, PHAs played a central role in clinic development and activities through a partnership with health and social service professionals. Liz was then asked to write various WHO monographs to share this unique and effective initiative with the world.

Lastly, Liz acted as a consultant to the Northern Health Authority and the University of Northern BC, developing a rural and remote nursing certificate program that was later incorporated into the UNBC undergraduate nursing program. In her consulting role Liz also adapted the BC Nurse Practitioner graduate program to meet the learning needs of nurses working in rural and remote settings.