
Dr. Marcia Hills

Dr. Marcia Hills

Dr. Marcia Hills held a tenure track appointment in the School of Nursing since 1989 and has been associated with the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø since 1982.  She is a recognized leader in the areas of curriculum development and health promotion research and has extensive supervisory experience with students representing a wide range of disciplinary interests. She held the position of coordinator of the Collaborative Nursing Program of BC from its inception in 1989 through to implementation in 1992, and was the Associate Director of Research from 2020-2022. 

Dr. Hills led the creation of the first Collaborative and Caring Science curriculum in Canada. She published Creating a Caring Science Curriculum: A Relational Emancipatory Pedagogy for Nursing and co-authored  An Educators’ Guide to Humanizing Nursing Education: Grounded in Caring Science. She is a Distinguished Caring Science Scholar, a Faculty Associate, and past Chair of the Doctoral Program at the Watson Caring Science Institute. In 2012, she was inducted into the American Academy of Nursing and, in 2020, became an inaugural Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Nursing (FCAN), one of Canada’s highest honours for nursing leaders.