
Kara Schick-Makaroff

Kara Schick-Makaroff
Researcher and Assistant Professor
Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta

PhD Nursing (2011)

Kara’s research focus is on enhancement of quality of life for people living with chronic and life-threatening illnesses, particularly chronic kidney disease. A major component of her research involves the use of electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePROs) with dialysis patients, and how these reports can be fully used in their multidisciplinary care. Her overarching goal is to learn how to best support clinicians and administrators in using ePRO information to enhance quality of life, enrich person-centred care, and improve services for people living with chronic and life-threatening illnesses.

I completed both my Masters in Nursing, Policy and Practice (2001-2005, supervisor: Dr. Thoun) and my PhD in Nursing (207-2011, supervisor: Dr. Sheilds), at UVic. During this time, early seeds in my scholarship were planted, and roots were formed to establish my growth towards becoming a nurse scientist.

Subsequent education: 4-year postdoctoral fellowship, U of A